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Fact-Finding Panel Concerning the Treatment of British Women in the UAE: Open Evidence Session

Following the launch in May 2021 of a cross-party Fact-Finding Panel to investigate the treatment of British women in the UAE, the Panel held a live evidence session with women who had crimes committed against them by UAE authorities as well as experts and NGOs. The Panel is made up of Sir Peter Bottomley MP, Baroness Helena Kennedy QC and Debbie Abrahams MP. Counsel to the Panel, Rhys Davies and Ben Keith, called oral evidence from representatives of Amnesty International, MENA Rights Group, as well as the International Campaign for Freedom in the UAE.  Oral evidence was also called from three victims and questions were asked by the Panellists.  Counsel for a fourth individual, Caoilfhoinn Gallagher QC, gave a detailed statement concerning a British woman who is currently held in custody in the UAE. After hearing the evidence, the panel will produce a report and present their findings and recommendations to the UK and UAE Governments.

A transcript of the event can be read HERE

7 April

Undue Influence: The UAE and Interpol Report Launch

28 September

UAE and Interpol: Maj. Gen. Ahmed Naser al-Raisi is not qualified to be the President of Interpol