UN Special Procedures

We are experts in raising human rights complaints under the United Nations Special Procedures 

IHR-Advisors represent individuals all around the world who are subjected to or who have been subjected to human rights violations. We bring complaints on behalf of clients under various UN Special Procedures mandates including the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, and the Committee against Torture.

Arbitrary Detention

The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has the mandate to investigate cases of deprivation of liberty imposed arbitrarily or inconsistently with the international standards set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, or the international legal instruments accepted by the States concerned. The Working Group investigates alleged cases of arbitrary detention by sending urgent appeals and communications to concerned governments to clarify and/or bring their attention to these cases.

IHR-Advisors are experts in bringing complaints to the Working Group on behalf of individuals who are or who have been detained anywhere in the world towards securing the adoption of opinions by the Working Group as to the arbitrariness of the detention.

Mistreatment and Torture

The Committee against Torture (CAT) is the body of 10 independent experts that monitors implementation of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment by its State’s parties. CAT works to hold States accountable for human rights violations, systematically investigating reports of torture in order to stop and prevent this crime.

IHR-Advisors have particular experience and expertise in bringing complaints on behalf of individuals who have been mistreated while detained abroad. In response to the complex diplomatic situations that arise in such circumstances, we provide bespoke legal services to encompass media campaigns, diplomacy, and reputation management.

Case Study

We were approached by the families of a group of individuals who were suddenly detained incommunicado, and without trial. We sent legal submissions to the United Nations Special Procedures Mechanisms and Special Rapporteurs about their case. We engaged NGOs and other relevant organisation to create publicity about their case and raise the issue in the media. We lobbied politicians and consular officials to intervene. The issue was raised to a level of international discussion and significance.

UN Special Procedures News