Seminar Famine in Yemen

Rhys Davies at Arab Organisation for Human Rights on 25 June 2018


25 JUNE 2018 — 6:00PM TO 8:00PM


Rhys chaired, and spoke at, a seminar of international human rights experts in the Grimond Room at the House of Commons concerning the unfolding crisis in Yemen. Rhys was joined by a panel of international lawyers and experts to consider the humanitarian impact of the ongoing international blockade, as well as remedies in international law.


Joseph Breham member of the Parisian bar and founder of Ancile Avocats, a law firm specialising in, amongst other things, international humanitarian law.

Catriona Murdoch British barrister at 1 Crown Office Row, and based in The Hague, practising at the MICT.

Clive Baldwin Senior Legal Advisor for the legal and policy office at Human Rights Watch, where he has been working on issues of international law since 2007.

Rhys Davies barrister at Temple Gardens in London, with a focus in international criminal and human rights law

Tawfiq Al-Hamdi Is the head of documenting department at SAM (a Human Rights Yemeni Organisation).

Chaired by

Rhys Davies, Temple Garden Chambers

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