UN Calls On UAE To Release Jailed British Businessman, Amid Calls For Magnitsky Sanctions

Rhys Davies in Forbes on 29 June 2022

Rhys Davies is quoted in a detailed article covering the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention’s response to submissions filed by IHR-Advisors on behalf of Ryan Cornelius. The Forbes article reads:

The Working Group said the UAE government had not responded to its questions on the case. Weighing up the evidence, the panel found Cornelius was arbitrarily arrested and denied his rights to due process and a fair trial. “The Working Group finds that the government failed to establish a legal basis for the arrest and detention of Mr. Cornelius and that his detention is arbitrary,” the report said.

“The evidence is overwhelming,” said Rhys Davies, a barrister at Temple Garden Chambers in London who is acting for Cornelius. “Every conceivable breach of his rights has taken place. The process by which he was convicted was flawed in every way.”

The article, published in Forbes on 29 June 2022, can be read here.