UN Conference in Doha on National, regional and international mechanisms to combat impunity and ensure accountability under international law
International conference organised by the National Human Rights Committee in Qatar (NHRC) in cooperation with the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the European Parliament, and the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI)
Ben Keith speaks at UN Conference in Doha, Qatar, 14-15 April 2019
14-15 April 2019
Ben Keith was invited to attend and speak at the ‘International Conference on National, Regional and International Mechanisms to Combat Impunity and Ensure Accountability under International Law’ held in Doha by the Qatari National Human Rights Committee, in conjunction with the UN Office of the High Commission for Human Rights, European Parliament and the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions.
Ben Keith along with Aidan Ellis at Temple Garden Chambers co- authored a presentation on the use of remedies in human rights law for the conference. During the conference Ben was part of a panel comprised of, Karen Smith, Special Advisor to the Secretary General, Ben Keith, Barrister and head of international team; Aidan Ellis, Barrister and Haydee Djikstal, Barrister.
The 3 hour panel discussion examined issues of reparations in international law for human rights abuses. Including restitution, compensation, truth commissions, and domestic justice systems.
The conclusions were that it was important to have a multi-disciplinary approach to reparations and to include the wishes of victims in helping to make reparations effective. The law was also important to enforce rights and make sure that reparations made a difference.
Day Two Agenda
Working Group One
I. Access to justice (Basic Principles and Guidelines, Paragraphs 12 to 14)
Chairperson: Nicolo Angelo Figa-Talamanca, Secretary General, No Peace Without Justice, Rome, Italy
Rapporteur: Michael Wiener (OHCHR), UN
Catherine Marchi-Uhel, Head of the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism to Assist in the investigation and prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Crimes in the Syrian Arab Republic, UN
Kimberly Prost, Judge on the International Criminal Court, The Hague, Netherlands
Djaouida Siaci, Vice President of the Rohingya Support Group (RSG), New York, USA
Working Group Two
II. Reparation for harm suffered (Basic Principles and Guidelines, Paragraphs 15 to 23)
Chairperson: Karen Smith, Special Adviser to the Secretary General on the Responsibility to Protect, UN
Rapporteur: Anna Katulu (OHCHR), UN
Ben Keith, Barrister, Head of international team, London, UK
Haydee J. Dijkstal, International Criminal and Human Rights Lawyer, London, UK
The Conference Closing Remarks and Conclusions can be accessed here.