When will the execution of innocent people in Egypt stop?

Rhys Davies and Ben Keith speak at a panel discussion hosted by the Arab Organisation for Human Rights in the UK on 8 March 2019


6 MARCH 2019 — 5:00PM TO 7:30PM


Lawyers and experts discuss the escalating implementation of the death penalty and what can be done on the international level to stop any future executions.  The event will be held at Parliament, hosted by the Rt Hon Alistair Carmichael MP.

  • Since 2013, over 2,240 persons have been sentenced to death,sentences which have reached the grave stage of beingreferred to the Grand Mufti for approval.

  • Amongst these referrals, 1157 have been approved by the Grand Mufti.

  • Sentences have been issued without fair trial, after defendants were subjected to torture, in order to extract from them false confessions.

  • So far, 36 persons have been executed. A further 60 people are currently awaiting execution having exhausted all legal means of appeal.

  • With apparent disregard for international law, the international community has turned its back on the Egyptian people whose human rights are being grossly violated.


Ben Keith, Barrister at 5 St. Andrew’s Hill
Bill Law, Former BBC journalist who has worked extensively in the Gulf states and the wider Middle East
Rhys Davies, Barrister at Temple Garden Chambers
Dr Maha Azzam, Head of the Egyptian Revolutionary Council
Aidan Ellis, Barrister at Temple Garden Chambers
Hannah Phillips, Researcher at the Arab Organisation for Human Rights

Hosted by

Rt Hon Alistair Carmichael MP

To find out more about the Arab Organisation for Human Rights in the UK and the work they do click HERE.