Using the Law to Advance Oppression: How Kazakhstan Presents a Veneer of Due Process to Silence Opposition
Ben Keith in Lawfare on 10 February 2022
The Tinder Swindler: Why Isn't He In Jail?!
Ben Keith on You Can’t Make This Up Podcast on 10 February 2022
The UK must use sanctions to help Kazakhstan’s people
Ben Keith published by Chatham House on 9 February 2022
Mike Lynch to be extradited to US after losing Autonomy fraud case
Ben Keith in The Times on 29 January 2022
The £400 Million Question: The cruelty of the hostage diplomacy game
Rhys Davies on The New Arab Voice on 19 November 2021
The UK must target corrupt individuals
Ben Keith and Rhys Davies comment in The Times on 18 November 2021
How Do Eurasian Kleptocracies Earn and Use Their Money?
Ben Keith speaks at Chatham House on 9 November 2021
Corporate Raiding in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan
Ben Keith chairs a panel discussion at Chatham House: The Royal Institute of International Affairs on 5 November 2019
Rhys Davies and Ben Keith named International Pro Bono Barristers of the Year
Bar Pro Bono Awards 2021 | 3 November 2021
Fact-Finding Report into the Treatment of British Women in the United Arab Emirates
Wednesday, 3 November 2021 | 10:00 10:30
Armenia and Azerbaijan’s Court Battle Could Damage Hopes for Peace
Ben Keith in The National Interest on 13 October 2021
UAE and Interpol: Maj. Gen. Ahmed Naser al-Raisi is not qualified to be the President of Interpol
Tuesday, 28 September 2021 | 13:00 14:00
Interpol must clean up its act
Ben Keith and Amy Woolfson comment inThe Times on 23 September 2021
Women abused and detained in UAE accuse UK of 'complicity'
IHR-Advisors cited in Middle East Eye Times on 20 July 2021
Fact-Finding Panel Concerning the Treatment of British Women in the UAE
Tuesday, 20 July 2021 | 10:00 13:00
Ending Interpol Abuse: How the Democratic World Can Fight Transnational Repression
Ben Keith speaks at The Heritage Foundation on 18 May 2021
Interpol should not be led by a patsy
Ben Keith and Rhys Davies comment in The Times on 15 April 2021